

Friday, July 18, 2014

Back to the Farm

Carter's first trip to the farm was in April.
He was unimpressed, to say the least.
We visited again over 4th of July weekend
and boy what a difference three months made!
Carter went from having no interest in the animals
to being completely enthralled with them.

I think I might be the worst mother ever 
because I didn't realize until halfway there 
that I forgot to pack Carter's shoes.

Needless to say we went through a LOT of 
antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer!

Carter got to ride a pony!

He wasn't so sure at first.

We were cracking up at Mike pretending to sneeze so Carter would smile.

I love this picture - they were both SO excited!

Carter checking out the "older ladies"!

We stopped by the horticultural building this time
and Carter had a blast pushing the lawnmowers
and riding the tractors.

July is "Ice Cream Month" at the farm.
After Michael and I each enjoyed sundaes,
Carter got to "drive" an ice cream truck.

 And he had a blast running around and 
peeking through the cutouts in this one.

Before we left, we stopped at the playground
and Carter tried out a swing.  He LOVED it.

Daddy pushed him HIGH!

I think a swing set may be on the list for Carter's next birthday!

It's so much fun spending the summer with a one-year-old!
We are truly blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carrie-
    This farm looks fantastic! Wish we had one like this close by. It looks like Carter took to it this time as had a blast.
    I think a swing set is a must. It looks like you have the yard space for it. And they are so many cool swing sets out now-a-days , not like the ones we had when we were kids.
    I can't believe how tall Carter is getting , he looks more like a little boy each time I see his sweet face.
    Glad your summer is going great.
    Gotta go get some ice cream now. ��


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