

Saturday, February 8, 2014

8 months in, 8 months OUT

At the end of this week, we'll celebrate Carter's 8-month birthday.
It occurred to me today that as of sometime this coming week,
he will have lived more of his life outside of me than he did inside.
 It's unbelievable how much faster time has flown since his birth.
I went back into my photo archives this afternoon
and found my monthly pregnancy photos.
These were on display at my baby shower, but I'm
posting them here for some of my out-of-town
friends and family that never got to see me pregnant
and have asked to see these.
Month 1
Late October
Just found out.  Not sure what to think...

Hyperemesis Gravidarum in full swing.
Weighing 12 pounds less than the previous month.
Days of failed attempts before I could get out of bed for this pic.
Still sick as a dog, but starting to get excited
after seeing ultrasound pics that looked like a real baby!

Trying my hardest to keep down as many calories
as possible each day.  Still struggling, though.
Michael built a snowman and brought it inside for me.

Medication finally started to kick in and I was able
to keep the nausea under control most of the day
and start gaining some real baby weight!

Gaining weight like crazy.  For the first time
since October, I was able to leave the house
for something other than doctor appointments!

Feeling great most of the day every day.
So excited about our baby boy to be!

The last picture of Carter on the INSIDE.
I didn't think it was possible to love him more.
Until I saw him.
Unfortunately we never got to take a 9-month picture
because Carter was born almost 3 weeks early.
We had a beach ball and sand pail all ready to go, too!
Oh, well.  Better to have a happy healthy baby than
a complete set of pictures, right?
The quality of these pictures is awful, I know, but we
didn't have a decent camera at the time and I was way
too sick most of the pregnancy to even shop online,
let alone actually go out camera shopping.
I'm still glad we did them, since this will likely be my
only pregnancy and as miserable as I was for the vast
majority of it, it was still completely miraculous.
As unflattering as they may be,
I will treasure these pictures forever!
Linking up with Sunday Snapshot
at Ni Hao Y'all.


  1. Cute idea and documenting. I don't realize you were so sick. I am sure that was no fun but in the end what a prize!! Little sweet Carter was all worth it.
    PS: your pictures are wonderful and I bet Carter will like looking at them too. I loved seeing pictures of me in my moms "belly" when I was little.

  2. This is an amazing record of a very precious time. I wish I had something like this



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