

Saturday, December 14, 2013

6 months old

How can it be that my baby boy is half a year old?!
I'm having mixed emotions about this milestone birthday.
I'm happy and excited for Carter as he is learning so much and having
more and more fun each day.  It's amazing to watch him grow.
But I am also sad, knowing that he will never again be my little baby.
He's about to start eating solids this week.  Real food that wasn't made by my body.
I've watched him thrive and grow all these months with no other nourishment but what he gets from me. 
Now that is going to change.  He's going to be getting food that anyone can give him. 
Part of me worries that he won't need me the way he does now. 
And another part of me is excited for him that he's becoming more independent. 
Like I said, my emotions are all over the place.
Carter pulled out all his tricks this month, making picture-taking interesting yet again.
In addition to his usual repertoire of cracking up and talking non-stop,
this month he added singing.
And tongue-clicking.

I thought in a few more months Carter might try climbing out of the chair,
but I was wrong.  Here he was contemplating:

And going for it:

Luckily Daddy was there to grab him before he took a nose dive
onto the hardwood floor!

Since he's halfway to one, I thought I'd post Carter's progression from one to six months. 
Still kicking myself for not getting a newborn shot!

Doesn't he look so much older just since last month?!

My heart is breaking.

Linking up with Sunday Snapshot at Ni Hao Y'all.


  1. They grow up too fast! I love how happy he looks.
    His likes and dislikes are always so fun to read - get used to a favorite becoming a dislike and vice versa
    Every time I think I know what Lia likes she changes her mind - when it comes to toys anyway
    Don't be to sad just be in the moment and cherish it all :)

  2. What an adorable progression! You'll be so glad to have those pictures when he's older. My first "baby" is 22 now, and I *still* regret not getting his 9 month pictures taken.

  3. Love him!! Can't believe what a big boy he looks like - especially when you look at the progression photos! Enjoy the holidays with your little guy!!

    Hugs, Ashley

  4. Love the chair. How neat to have a pic of each month on it. He sure is a cutie!


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