

Thursday, November 14, 2013

5 months old

Our poor little guy came down with his first cold this week.
Ironically, we think he caught it at the doctor's office.
He was up a lot during the night, and he hasn't been napping much,
so he was TIRED.  And SICK.  But still willing to give me a little smile!
Happy Birthday, Big Boy. 
We love you so much and hope you feel better soon!

Linking up with Sunday Snapshot at Ni Hao Y'all.


  1. Hi there ! Hope Carter is feeling better first colds are not fun..
    I love that he likes the Jake theme song - so does Lia !!

  2. Happy 5 months Mr. Carter!! So fun to see you growing up Month by Month!!

    Hugs, Ashley

  3. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog!

    Hope your little man is feeling better soon - he is such a cutie!


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