

Thursday, February 20, 2014

8 months old

I'm a little late posting these this month.
They were taken almost a week ago,
on Carter's actual monthly birthday.

I cannot believe how grown up our little boy is getting. 
We got a few serious faces for a change this month.

And of course a bunch of silly ones!


This one is the exact face he makes after he pinches me or pulls my hair
and I cry out in genuine pain:

He is SUCH a little stinker!

But despite all the pain,

and the sleepless nights,

we could not love this little boy more.

Happy Birthday, Cutie Patootie!
Love, Mom & Dad


  1. I didn't think he could look any sweeter ( is that a word?!) than when he smiles but Carters serious faces are so adorable too!
    Lia was a bad sleeper - she loved to play , talk , read - not sleep in the middle of the night/early morning but it is getting better! Sometimes when they are learning a new skill or set of skills their sleep gets "interrupted" or off schedule. At least that's what we found with Lia.
    It's not fun to be sleepless. Hope it gets better soon!
    ~ ally

  2. Happy 8 Months sweet boy!! How you are just the perfect little guy sitting in your chair!!

    XOXO, Ashley


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