

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Look who's standing now!

My sweet cousin Amy gave Carter a walker for Christmas.  It's
recommended for ages 9 months-3 years, so I put it away for a while.
With lots of packing to do for an upcoming trip, it seemed
like the perfect time for a new toy to occupy Carter.
I pulled it out during our playtime first thing this morning.
Carter's only 7 months old, but I figured he could at least
sit on the floor and play with the little activities on it.
Here was his reaction when I gave it to him.  I think he liked it!
Please forgive the bedhead and jammies.  I contemplated cropping out the piles of clothes laid
out all over his floor (I'm putting together outfits to pack), but instead decided to keep it real.
We're all friends here, right?
First he checked out some of the "activities".
I didn't have a chance to stick on the decals yet,
but Carter didn't seem to mind.
Then he noticed that big red handle.
What's this, Mom?
He kept trying to climb up the front of the thing,
so I decided to hold him behind it and let him try it out.
I soon realized that he was standing without my help.

Sometimes he got so excited that he would let go
and fall on his bum, but for the most part
he seemed to know what he was doing.
He even figured out how to stand and play with the activities.

He was quite pleased with himself.
There were a few times he would let go and just stand
there for a second or two before sitting down, but
I didn't get a picture because I was always reaching for him
to make sure he didn't get hurt.
So proud of our big boy.
Thank you Amy, Dave and Nick for a fun new toy!

1 comment:

  1. Love the bed head and jammies look. We've been sporting that around here too the past few days!
    Thanks for your prayers and well wishes for Lia ( and us too). With all the at home treatment she is improving slowly. She only whispers right now but at least she is trying to tell is stuff!
    I can't believe Carter got the hang of the walker so fast! He looks like a pro.
    And oh so proud - his smile is so sweet. He'll be running around too soon.
    I hope you guys are headed some place fun for your trip and warm!!
    Don't worry about the piles of clothes - you are right - we are all friends lets not pretend our houses don't get a little out of order. Especially when getting ready for a trip or during croup or in daily life :)
    ~ ally


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