

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Honorary Texan

Before Carter was born, my extended family in Texas sent him a special gift. 
My sweet cousin Haley went to an actual rodeo and bought him this shirt.
Please excuse the drool - it's constant these days!
It has "Rope-a-doodle-doo" and a rooster
embroidered on the back of it.
I remember opening it and thinking it was huge
and it would be forever before he could wear it.
Now my big boy not only wears it,
but he's about to outgrow it!

 So I thought I'd better snap a few pictures,
while it still fits him.

So these are for you, Aunt Patty, Uncle David,
Haley and Dylan, with love and thanks
from Carter.

Linking up with Sunday Snapshot at Ni Hao Y'all.


  1. LOVE your little rodeo boy!!! The shirt is too cute, although I think I am partial and think Carter is even cuter!! He is such a little ham in front of the camera - Jack has sort of gotten into a phase where the smiles are not quite as big when the camera comes out - oh no! Just in case you didn't get my e-mail - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MY PACKAGE!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them - you are so thoughtful and they are just beautiful!!!! Looks like we will have her in our arms in early April!! Huge hugs from us!!


  2. How sweet is that smile?!
    I love the last picture, he looks so happy!
    Hope you are staying warm - we are in for some rough weather - again!!
    I can't believe how fast Carter is growing. And the drool - I remember those days. Lia was soaked 1/2 the day. I can't tell you how many shirt changes we did in a day!!?? Teething was no fun. Hope you have the Sophie Giraffe teether. It is the best esp for the back teeth!
    Have a great week

    1. Yep, we've got Sophie and she's a definite favorite! It pained us to spend that much on a teether, but it was money well spent because Carter LOVES her. You're right, I bet it'll be great for his back teeth because he already gets those legs so far back I think he's going to choke himself!

      Hope you weathered the storm okay. We didn't get the worst of it, probably about 6 inches or so. We are blessed that I am home with Carter and Mike works from home so we can stay inside and appreciate how beautiful the snow is! I feel for those who have to venture out in it, though!

      Thanks for your advice, by the way! I cooked a big batch of pureed pears, and we started Carter on a regimen of pureed pears, pear juice and prunes. I'm not sure which it was or if it was the combination, but after 8 days of nothing, within hours we had EIGHT DAYS WORTH all at once! It was the grossest thing either of us has EVER had to deal with. Talk about TMI, I know!!! But now we're on and ounce of pears and/or prunes daily and we are regular almost down to the minute each day and we have a much more comfortable baby!

      Hope you guys have a great week, too, Ally!

      ~ Carrie

    2. Yea- glad the pears worked. Life is always better when the little ones aren't constipated!
      We joke pears are the best and worst thing ever!
      Jim and I both work outside our home so the snow was painful! Beautiful but painful.
      Lia is so sick and we are in for the weekend! Croup is really the pits. I hope she is building her immune system :) lord knows she's had a lot of new "stuff" hit her. We shielded her for the first 3 years and she was never sick now she's getting it all. Preschool is definitely one big germ factory!! Hehehe
      Glad Carter has a Sophie she's expensive but you will use it for a long time.


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