

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Family Fun Day

In early July we attended an event called "Family Fun Day."

Carter tried riding a pony again. 

This time he actually held on, so he's making progress!

There was a petting zoo with a variety of animals.

I just adore donkeys, probably because of the Christmas story.

Carter especially liked these little goats.

They liked him, too.

One of them thought Carter was so sweet that it tried to taste him! 

Luckily Daddy was there to save the day.

(And the shirt.)

For me, every day is "family fun day" 
with my two favorite guys!

1 comment:

  1. Love these! And Jack loved looking at the pictures of the animals with me - we will have to get all the kids together and go to a petting zoo!

    xoxo, Ash


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