This is it, Carter.
Your GOLDEN birthday.
14 months old on the 14th of the month.
In 2014, no less!
Mommy took your pictures without her
usual assistant this morning (Daddy was on a call),
but you were surprisingly cooperative.
It took some minor bribes to keep you in the room,
like letting you hold your hairbrush,
then your sunglasses,
and later your baby doll.
I tried telling you to go sit on the chair and kick your feet
and you actually listened!
You have been such a fun little guy this past month.
You've learned lots of "tricks" and you soak up new information like a sponge.
You love to read. Mommy and Daddy read to you, but you also spend a lot of time looking at books by yourself. When Mommy needs to redirect you from something you shouldn't do, I just say, "Why don't you go find a book?" and you are off to your bookshelf and happily reading within seconds. Many a tantrum has been avoided by your love of books.
You also LOVE to be taught the names of objects and then quizzed over and over again. You know all the animals in your Noah's ark and all the objects and characters in most of your picture books. You also know where most of your (and Mommy's) body parts are and you recently learned the names of all the fruits in your new fruit basket toy. You don't say many words yet, but when we ask where something is, you almost always pick up or point to the right thing.
You are signing more and more. Your sign language vocabulary includes
words like "more", "help", "Mommy", "drink" and "book". You also speak the words "Mama" and "Dada", "Go?" and "Woof-woof". You
have another word for our dog, but we can't make it out. It's very loud and shrill (unlike any other word you say), it starts with a "D" and it's always the same.
You love animals. You go absolutely berserk every time you see one, whether it's on a walk, in a book, on television or at someone's garage sale. You love to know what sound each animal makes and you try to imitate some of them. Your favorite animal to imitate is a rabbit. You have a book that says that rabbits "sniff", so every time you see one, you scrunch up your face and start blowing in and out of your nose as loudly as you can. It's adorable.
You stopped playing with your baby doll for a while, but recently you have been loving on her every day. I often walk into the playroom and find you hugging and kissing her. I hope you act just as sweet toward your sister when she gets here!
At nap times and bedtime, you still like to nurse until you are tired and then after Mommy puts you in your crib, you lie there kicking your little feet and sweetly sing yourself to sleep. Mommy and Daddy watch you on the monitor and think it's the cutest thing ever.
You are eating like a champ. The only things we've ever found that you don't enjoy are plain yogurt and watermelon. Other people can't believe all the healthy foods you eat. You love peas, carrots, corn, green beans, sweet potato, squash, zucchini, spinach, black beans, whole wheat pasta & bread, every kind of fruit and much much more. You want to try everything Daddy and I are eating and you love everything, even spicy Mexican rice, guacamole, and other "adult" foods.
You are walking like an old pro these days and have started trying to walk backwards, stomp your feet like you're marching and I've even seen you run a few times, usually when you have something you think I'm going to take away. You're better barefoot, but you walk fine in shoes now, you just look a little wobbly.
The biggest physical change in this past month is that you finally have some teeth! Six, actually. Four on top and you just got the bottom ones last week. Considering the fact that on your 13-month birthday you had NO teeth, six teeth is a lot! We've worried about teething since you were 4 months old, but honestly if we hadn't seen the teeth poking through your gums, we wouldn't even have known you were teething. You have been a trooper - no complaining at all!
We are so lucky to have such a happy little boy.
You are silly, too.
You crack us up all the time.
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I thought this pose was hilarious. Daddy couldn't believe I posted it. |
We love you, Little Man!
Happy Golden Birthday!
Thanks for catching us up on Carter! It's fun to reminisce when Kristi was little. My favorite pastime was reading her books together!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the pose that Michael can't believe you posted! It is cracking me up!!! Lia loves her books to and it makes me so happy when I see her reading through them. There is a lot of books by Fisher Price that are lift the flap books- I bet Carter would love them. It's like playing hide and seek and reading. Lia still picks them up to this day. Carter is the perfect age for them. It's the Little People Lift the Flap books.