

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Food Baby

For dinner last night Carter ate:

2 whole slices of pizza
the crust from my slice of pizza
more than a cup of steamed broccoli
10 oz (more than 1/3 of a large jar) of applesauce
1 1/2 cups of water
about 50-60 cereal puffs.

He was disappointed when we finally cut him off.

I told Michael we may need to start rubbing 
pregnancy lotion on Carter's tummy before mealtimes
so our 19-month-old doesn't wind up with stretchmarks!

I'd say that's easily a 7- or 8-month food baby, right?!

I didn't take a picture, but by morning Carter's belly 
was back to its pre-"pregnancy" size.

If only we all could be blessed with his metabolism...


  1. That's a lot of food :)
    All that eating means he's getting bigger and growing!! Soon you'll see a taller longer version of Carter!!!!

  2. Too cute!! I wish I could get Jack to even eat half of that - although just like Carter, when he has a big meal his tummy balloons right out!!
    Hugs, Ash


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