I cannot believe my BABY is 20 months old!!!
It seems like just yesterday I was posting your 10-month photos
and I couldn't believe you were already in the "double digits."
Now you are TWICE that age.
As always, this month with you has been awesome.
All the toddler development books warn about the past few months being especially difficult and suggest that "no" is probably your favorite word right now. Quite the contrary has been the case, though, as one of your favorite words these days is "yes!" You say it A LOT, with major excitement and enthusiasm, too!
For months you quickly said, "yeah-yeah," but earlier this month you started saying "yessss" with a big emphasis on the S. Somehow that changed to "yesh" and you started saying it ALL. THE. TIME. You use it as an answer to a question, as an exclamation when you're excited or happy and you even use it as a question itself when you want me to say yes to something. If you want broccoli, for example, you say, "Brah-brew? Yesh?? Yesh??? Mama! Yesh? Brah-brew? Yesh???" It's super cute.
You are talking more and more and picking up multiple new words each day. You know way too many to count and while it's exciting that you're able to communicate more it's also sad because you're growing up so fast.
You know the entire alphabet (although you struggle with the letters I and V) and you're starting to recognize some of the lowercase letters as well.
You started asking about numbers about a week ago and in just a few days time you have learned all the numbers from 1-10 by sight (though you often mix up 6 and 9) and you can sometimes even say them in order. It's crazy how fast you pick things up.
Like so many of your other mispronunciations, I love the way you say your numbers. "One...two...three" sounds more like "uhn...dew...eee." You think you're saying them just right, though. So cute. We don't know why, but your favorite number has always been eight. You say that one perfectly!
You are definitely interested in colors now. You love to hold things up and tell us what color they are and you sometimes even practice on your own. This afternoon I heard you playing with your different colored cars in the dining room and as you ran each one down the ramp, you would say, "Wed!" (red), "Boo!" (blue), "Yell!" (yellow), "Bah-boo!" (black), etc.
Your favorite toys this month have definitely been your cars, trucks and trains. You spend hours with them each day and if Daddy and I are willing to play with you, you always want to play "whoa-whoa-whoa" which is what you call your cars and also what you yell as they go speeding down the ramp and across the floor. You learned that word from your friend Logan and it's a favorite for sure.
When school is cancelled due to snow or below-zero temperatures, we get to watch the 8-year-old little girl who lives next door. It's happened a few times already this winter and you've loved having a playmate on those days. She's gotten you more interested in your wooden rocking horse (you call it your "neigh-neigh") and you guys take turns "riding" it on the living room rug. She's also shown you how to play with the dolls and doll houses and they seem to become your favorite toys for days after she leaves.
After a recent farm visit, we got you some little plastic farm animals and you've been loving them for weeks. Your favorites are definitely the cats and kittens. You carry them all around with you and they even sit on your highchair tray while you eat. Sometimes you pretend to give them bites of food and you become very concerned when I take them to wash them off at the end of the meal. When you play with other toys and games, you always try to include your "meow-meows." You love it when I pretend they're real and ask them questions. You giggle as they give me wrong answers and eventually you help them out with the right answers.
In December you were so excited about our elf on a shelf that he decided to stick around for a couple more months. Every single morning, as soon as we get downstairs you go looking for him and your face completely lights up when you find him. It's so cute that we hope he never leaves!
You were sick this week for the first time in your life. You've had one or two colds before (just a runny nose), but this time you had a FEVER! Daddy and I, like typical first-time parents, were really worried about you. Your fever slowly climbed all the way to 102 degrees and we were freaking out. We didn't know whether to call the doctor or take you to the emergency room or give you Tylenol or what. The thing is, you were running around the house talking, playing, eating, drinking and acting like nothing was wrong. Thankfully you slept through the night (with your Snuza monitor on - Mommy insisted!) and your temperature was back down by morning. Daddy e-mailed his co-workers to say he might miss work because you had a cold and they all teased him. Even when he told them about your fever, nobody else seemed to think it was a big deal at all. You still have a little bit of a runny nose, but you seem to be feeling just fine.
Pictures were fun this month.
If you're wondering about your hairdo, it's because you found your baby brush and decided to style your hair yourself!
In between shots, you wanted to play in Molly's crate. It's something you like to do often and you usually play in there for as long as it takes to lock yourself in. Then there is silence for a few seconds followed by, "Mama?...Mama?" and I have to come and let you out. You never get scared, though, and it doesn't deter you from going right back in that crate a few minutes later.
Apparently you thought it would be fun to have some shots sitting in front of your chair rather than sitting in it. I went along with it because variety is nice, right?
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You became very concerned when you discovered that you couldn't access your belly button. |
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I only put bodysuits on you for monthly pictures and clearly you are no longer a fan of them. |
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Thankfully you get over things quickly! |
We love you so much, Carter, and I don't know what we'd do without you!
Happy 20-month birthday!!!