Carter's First Birthday party was Sunday afternoon.
With rain every day for a week before the party and every day since,
we were blessed with absolutely perfect weather that day.
It was 77 degrees and partly cloudy - beautiful!
The party theme was nautical all the way,
from the invitations... 
to the favors.
(Nautical Coaster Sets and Anchor Bottle Openers)
We had nautical touches everywhere.
I put together a playlist for the party with all kinds of nautical songs.
Everything from old time songs like "Anchors Aweigh" (Pat Boone),
"Sail Away Silvery Moon" (Andy Williams), "
Beyond the Sea" (Bobby Darin) and
"I'll Sail My Ship Alone" (Patsy Cline)
to fun/cheesy stuff like "Popeye the Sailor Man"
and "Gilligan's Island," and everything in between.
I also added a few songs that are special to Carter and us, like Michelle Featherstone's "Sweet Sweet Baby"
(which I still cannot hear without bursting into tears because it takes me straight back to our first few days with Carter),
and "Yummy Yummy Yummy I've Got Love in My Tummy" (an old song by Ohio Express that I started singing
when Carter was three months old because he was always so content and smiley after nursing and I read a poem
referring to breastmilk as "liquid love". That silly song was an instant hit and remains one of his very favorites!).
Mike bought a variety of nautical beers
and even the food was nautical-themed.
For appetizers, we had "shark teeth" (cheese triangles), "seaweed" (spinach) dip, "sand dollars" (round rice crackers) and blue "sails" (corn chips) with salsa.
For the meal, we served "submarine" sandwiches, crab mango salad,
"water(melon) cruisers", "fish and chips" (goldfish crackers & chips)
and a variety of other side dishes.
Dessert was white cupcakes with chocolate anchors
and chocolate cake pop "bobbers" (which were a hit with the kids),
plus a variety of nautical-themed candy
(life savers, swedish fish, twizzlers ropes, etc.).
I ordered prints of some of Carter's milestone moments
from the past year and put together a "Year of FIRSTS"
poster as well as posters of his monthly chair photos
and his nautical beach photos.
Everyone loved the pictures and seeing
how much Carter has changed in the past year.
Guests were asked to leave a message in a bottle
for Carter to open on his 18th birthday.
I actually saw several tears shed
as people were writing him messages.
This child is loved by so many people!
With Mike and myself busy hosting the party,
we were was thankful that our birthday boy
(who is typically shy in new situations)
was friendly with everyone and happy to be
passed around from person to person all day!
That's Carter with his Great Grandma Jane and Great Great Aunt Dolores, both in their 90s!
I made up a game/quiz called "Who Really Knows Carter?".
Everyone enjoyed finding out about our first year of parenthood,
and there were a lot of laughs as Mike read the answers!
Carter's Aunt Beth was the winner,
with all but one answer correct!
While everyone else was eating their meals,
Carter had a melted cheese sandwich to get
his belly warmed up for the main event!
He also enjoyed some bubbles,
as did the rest of the kids!
Then it was finally time for dessert and let's just say
Carter must have remembered his last cake smash
because after a quick taste from Dad, he dug right in!
I think someone ELSE was wishing he could get a bite of that cake!
We couldn't believe how much our little boy actually consumed.
This kid does not mess around when it comes to eating cake!
Daddy and Mommy jumped in for a couple of pictures, too.
After his cake smash, we got Carter cleaned up and dressed
and he spent some time visiting with guests and
playing with the boats in his water table.
Other kids had played with the table earlier
in the day and managed to stay relatively dry,
but Carter got SOAKED,
resulting in yet ANOTHER outfit change!
A surprise guest at the party was Steve-the-ferret,
who came with Sadie.
Sadie told me his name is "Steven"
when he's calm and "Steve" when he's crazy.
Thankfully I didn't see any of the crazy at the party,
and he did a good job keeping the kids occupied.
We also had sailor hats for all the kids
and fabric markers to decorate them.
It was a great few hours and we loved getting to see so many special people
and introducing Carter to those who hadn't met him in person yet.
Thank you so much to everyone who came to celebrate with us and those who were unable to attend, but sent gifts and wishes and love to Carter on his special day!
And extra thanks to Doug, Kristi, Mom and Wes, my mom and dad, Beth and Brad for all their help with the party. We could not have done it without you!