Last Sunday we celebrated Carter's Holy Baptism.
Sorry for the photo overload, but I wanted to include
a bunch for those who weren't able to attend.
a bunch for those who weren't able to attend.
Trying on the outfit beforehand:
The hat was a little small, so we didn't use it, but it was pretty cute!

I wanted to get a shot of the whole outfit, but for Carter
these days standing equals jumping and/or stomping.
This was the only shot that wasn't a complete blur:

The solemnity of the occasion must have been lost on Carter as
he acted less than reverent during much of the ceremony...
Hopefully as he grows, his church behavior will improve!
Greeting family and friends before and after the ceremony:
Mike's mom and Wes
Carrie's family
Mike's brother and his family
Happy Cousins
Extended family and friends
Carter with his parents and Godparents:
"These are the people charged with my spiritual upbringing?! Heaven help me!""
Our friend Mary and cousin Greg.
In all seriousness, we can't imagine better Godparents for Carter.
After the baptism, we had a reception.
The theme was doves and I made a lot of the decorations myself
water bottle labels,
centerpieces (baby's breath)
and favors.
Thank goodness for naptimes and a very helpful and patient husband to watch the baby
while I worked on all my "projects" the past few weeks.
I love how the art turned out and might even keep some for Carter's bedroom.
I used photos I already had and added the words with Microsoft Paint.
while I worked on all my "projects" the past few weeks.
I love how the art turned out and might even keep some for Carter's bedroom.
I used photos I already had and added the words with Microsoft Paint.
Carter's tiny feet in Michael's hands the day we left the hospital:
Carter in Daddy's tie earlier this month:
A free clipart dove:
And this sweet shot from Carter's newborn session:
Once they were all matted and framed they looked great!
We were thrilled to have about forty people share in Carter's special day.
It meant a lot to us that so many of our friends and family wanted to help welcome him to the Church!
We feel blessed to have so much support in raising a Godly son.

Mike's cousin Jen, her husband Greg (Carter's Godfather) and their daughters drove all the way here from Missouri for the weekend. Carter had a blast with the girls and they were a huge help to us watching him so that we could get ready for the baptism.
Here he is with Payden (my Goddaughter!):
Even Molly got some extra love this weekend from our out-of-town guests.
Here she was enjoying some time with Gracyn:

What a wonderful weekend we had, followed by a nice relaxing week with not much to do
so we could unwind, reflect and enjoy some quiet time as a family.
A few of my favorite images from last weekend: